The Silva Mind Control Method
More than 50+ years of research & 6 million+ graduates worldwide
The Silva Mind Control Method provides a solution through its teachings of meditation and relaxation techniques. These practices aim to rewire and reprogram our minds, leading to profound transformations in our lives. By regularly engaging in these proven techniques, our perspective on life can undergo significant changes
Moreover, the Silva Method incorporates advanced dynamic meditation training and various mind control techniques, which act as guides on the path to positive transformation, aligning us with our goals and aspirations. Remarkably, many individuals have reported experiencing health benefits through the Silva Method when conventional medications and doctor visits proved insufficient.
JOSE SILVA : Founder of the Silva mind control method
Meet the founder of the new science of psychorientology
He can teach you to use more of your mind.
MIND CONTROL, the system that he developed over a 25 year period can teach you to discover frontiers of your mind that you did not even know existed.
MIND CONTROL is a method that he researched and formulated strictly through scientific methods. It is a method that helps you develop your psi factor, the mis-named “extra sense.”
Jose Silva began research in MIND CONTROL in Laredo, Texas in 1944; since 1966 he has taught classes in a number of cities in Texas.
Presently graduates of MIND CONTROL number in the millions. Of these thousands there has never been one failure. MIND CONTROL enables you to develop a sense that ”you share with everyone,” a sense that has been uniformly neglected and left behind in man’s objective evolution.

Silva Mind Control Courses
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Three Fingers Technique
A Trigger mechanism
Our brain is made up of millions of neurons that communicate with us through various electrical signals. An alpha wave is one of several brain waves that are generated when these neurons exchange signals. When we are in relax mode, when our brain is not doing any kind of work, this alpha wave gets activated.
Silva three finger technique works as a trigger to reach that alpha wave state which helps to improve mental focus and concentration. Practicing this technique, one can activate one’s creative self. It can be seen as an aid to improve studying and test taking.
For the 3-finger method, place the pads of your index and middle fingers against the pad of your thumb, similar to a common pose you’ve probably seen during meditation.It is believed that there is a lot of power in the tips of your fingers and that, by bringing them together, that energy impacts your brain.
Be clear on what it is you want to get out of the process. It might be confidence, relaxation, or a specific goal. There are no limits to what you can manifest in your life, so shoot for the stars.
Lie down in a dark, quiet room where you won’t be disturbed, with your eyes covered to block out any light.
Count backwards from 10 while taking deep breaths. With each inhale and exhale, you should become more and more relaxed.
Once you reach a state where your body is totally relaxed, but your mind is fully aware, bring your fingers together and start programming your desired outcomes.
Tell yourself that, when in this relaxed state, you are exactly who and what you want to be. Over time, that programming will transfer into real life.
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